MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream Reviews: Does It Work? (2024)

MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream is a skincare product meant specifically to use on your stomach. It may firm and tone the belly and leave it smooth and supple. In addition, it promises to remove stretch marks. This product contains enriching organic ingredients which can also repair the skin and protect it from further damage.

Overall Rating: 3.8

MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream Reviews: Does It Work? (1)MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream

Brand Highlights

  • The brand has an imposing line of sports nutrition products.
  • MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream uses clinically proven ingredients in its formulations.
  • They are committed to providing top-notch, original goods.
  • It is known for developing and releasing the most cutting-edge products.


*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

Key Ingredients

  • Avocado Extract
  • Cocoa Seed Butter
  • Guarana


  • This cream could remove stretch marks from your belly.
  • MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream may firm your belly.
  • This product could make your belly smooth in appearance.
  • A consumer trial showed that this product was highly effective for users.
  • It contains a collection of rich organic ingredients.


  • You could develop an allergic reaction to an ingredient.
  • It includes fragrance and artificial coloring.
  • MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream is expensive.

Who is the Manufacturer?

The manufacturer of MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream is a company called Maelys, which is in New York. They started in 2017, and they’re a cosmetics organization that focuses specifically on non-face related body sculpting products.

How Does MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream Work?

Many peoples have the question that “Does maelys b tight really work?”, So here is the answer for you!

The cream is rich in antioxidants, which kill damaging free radicals and lowers oxidative stress. This can repair damage to the skin, as well as protect it from environmental harm like UV rays and pollution.

They have anti-aging benefits and can help fade lines on the skin. An article published in Clinical Interventions in Aging examined the role antioxidants play in delaying the aging process[1].

Pink PepperSlim is an ingredient that can help break down fat in the skin, and it’s often used in cellulite products. It can diminish cellular fat storage.

It helps burn fat by making lipid molecules smaller and thus easier to metabolize. According to the Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, it also has a potent antibacterial activity which is healthy for the skin.

There are some hydrating ingredients in MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream which moisturize. In addition, the liquid goes under the skin and gives it volume. This can help smooth out lines and stretch marks.

There are also some anti-inflammatory agents in this product, which can serve to reduce redness and swelling on the skin and help to treat skin conditions.

Ingredients like avocado increase the production of collagen, which makes the skin tighter and improves its elasticity. This can help smooth lines, wrinkles, and stretch marks.

MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream Ingredients – Are they Safe & Effective?

Here are some of the primary active ingredients in MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream:

Avocado Extract

This is a fruit that is very hydrating for the skin, keeping it moisturized and helping to plump it. This can help to smooth stretch marks and cellulite. Avocado is incredibly healthy, including several vitamins and fatty acids, and is very nourishing for the skin. According to the International Journal of Molecular Science, it may also be effective at wound healing[2].

Cocoa Seed Butter

This is a fat that comes from the seeds of the Theobroma cocoa. It contains theobromine and some caffeine, which can improve circulation in the skin and help break down fat molecules. It’s often used to remove cellulite and stretch marks. An article in BJOG concluded that cocoa butter had no real effect on fading stretch marks[3].


This is a climbing plant that grows in the Amazon basin. It’s high in both antioxidant and anti-microbial properties and can help repair damage to the skin. It also has caffeine, which can improve blood circulation. A study published in Medicines showed that guarana is a powerful antioxidant which exhibits potent anti-aging properties[4].


*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.


Q: What Do the Reviews Say About MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream?

A: The MAELYS B-FLAT Belly Firming reviews were mostly quite positive. Users did get the promised benefits from this cream and cited reductions in stretch marks and a firmer belly.

Many women loved the MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream before and after. There were a smaller number of complaints, most of which were from people who developed some kind of burning or skin reaction to the product.

Q: How to use MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream?

A: Following is the video tutorial which would guide you to use it!

How to use MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream(Video Credit: YouTube)

Q: Who is MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream For?

A: This product is ideal for women who have developed stretch marks on their belly due to pregnancy, or weight gain or loss. It’s made to tighten and smooth out the belly and get rid of stretch marks.

Q: Can I Use MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream During Pregnancy?

A: MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream is not for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, as it could possibly be harmful to the baby.

Q: How Much Does MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream Cost?

A: You can buy this product on the official website, on Amazon, and from a number of online and offline retailers. They are mostly sold from high-end MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream stores like Sephora and Ulta.

The MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream details about prices on the official site are as follows:

  • 1 Bottle – $64
  • 2 Bottles – $55 each
  • 3 Bottles – $49 each

Q: What is MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream’s Return Policy?

A: The manufacturer has a 60-day return policy for this product. If you aren’t happy with the items, email the company that you’d like a return to and tell them your reason. Then send the product back within 60 days of the original purchase date, whether it’s empty or full. You’ll get a full refund, minus shipping charges.

Q: Does MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream Offer a Free Trial?

A: There is no free trial associated with this product. When you buy the cream on the official website you make a one-time purchase each time. There’s no subscription or auto-shipment program.

What Do the Reviews Say?

This mask helped me get my old body back! My confidence has come back and I can finally wear shorts and dresses again!”
~ mlle_jasminmacrae

Such a huge difference! I’m so happy with my results from the B-FLAT cream so far, thank you so much
~ Kaylaschut

Maelys Cosmetics B Flat Before and After Results

We’ve brought some of the changes that user’s witnessed after using Maelys Cosmetics B Flat.

MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream Reviews: Does It Work? (8)

“This thing is like a tummy tuck in a container!

After my third baby, they basically told me ‘honey, you need a tummy tuck!’.

So, I’ve tried everything I could find that might help – but nothing worked.

A few months later I was introduced to this stuff.

I used it twice a day on my stretch marks… And this has changed my life!

The more I use it, the more my skin is tightening.

Finally finding something that I can clearly see results, it is way more than I could ever ask for!”
Review by kashafierceeee

(Above results have been taken from the official site of MAELYS)

Alternatives to MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream:

  • Skin Obsession
  • ZO Daily Power Defense
  • B Tight Cellulite Cream


*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream Conclusion

MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream is a skincare product that is for women who have stretch marks on their belly that they want to remove. It tightens the skin on the belly and makes it smooth, as well as removes the lines. This is a healthy cream rich in antioxidants, and it’s also reasonably priced.

The MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream reviews mostly spoke very well of this product. Users found it effective in removing stretch marks and making their bellies firm. There weren’t a lot of complaints, but some users mentioned a skin reaction or burning sensation.

There is a possibility that you could develop an allergic skin reaction in response to the ingredients in this formula. If this occurs, stop using the product immediately. You may consider seeing a dermatologist before using a new skin cream, to make sure it’s suitable for you.

MAELYS Cosmetics B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream Reviews: Does It Work? (2024)


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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.