San Angelo Standard-Times from San Angelo, Texas (2024)

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San Angelo Standard-Timesi

San Angelo, Texas

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'M i PAGE SIX-SECTION ONE A V-v SAN ANGELO STANDARD-TIMES SUNDAY MORNING APRIL 17 1932 "A gUmUrSTtare Rn tlHI ITHt tSXSS Blooming Pretty Eh? way and tha sitting back of fences would bo required should the state extend Na to Boners from Rockspring Bonora Cleanap Gontbrecd Presbytery Meet i1 I now connects Uvalde and Roeh-pringa and If extended north would likely Intersect Highway Na SO a few miles south of Sonora The proposed read Dorn Rock-spring to Bonora would give Rock-springe access to many markets from which it to far away at this time and would provide a route through there Into-the Nueces Canyon eountry tor much touriat travel well as that going to Del Rin 1 Provision of a 100-foot right-of- TO BURYEYNa BOON ExtenJea te Be Made West Beck-Hinge te Feint Near 6onore --v etaOOsHNpsadsBk SONORA April A survey far an extension of Highway Na from Boeksprings north to a point near Bonora win be started soon according to word received from Hodges' resident engineer of the Uvalde division of the highway department Highway No BONORA AprO The elty-wida cleanup campaign inaugurated last week carried ever Into this week and a truck to stin hauling rubbish and old Junk from tha city to tha dump ground i In 1929 I Angeloana On Program A New Hope Church San Saba BAN BABA April Pica bytery of tha Brownwood fl will meet at tha Nev Bopa Presbyterian -Church la tha Sloan community Tussday even big tor a thresJay meeting of tha membmhlp of thla section of the state The Rev McCsfl paetor ot tha Pint Pres-bytarisa Church hen and et the New Hope church la In charge ot attain Among the mlnisten on tha program for the meet are Dr William XL Rater Brown wood: the Her Heetir of Sterling City Dr Ouy Davla ot Ban Angelo Sr Gray of Eldorado the Her Matthew Lynn of Coleman tho Her Mm Know Bowling of Paint Bock Dr Wood of Ban Angelo and the Rev Me- Laurin ot Ballinger Zn addition to tho waiting ministers an older Bom each church win attend -i WALTER CHRYSLER TELLS HOW THE NEW AND FINER PLYMOUTH WAS MADE TKU8TEE8 ELECT CHAIRMAN Lewis Smyth Heads ths Uvalde School Diatrict Board DVALDK April lL-Triutew of tho Uvalda independent eehool diatrict have elected Lewis Smyth aa chairman of tho board to eeed Judge 0 Psnley Sr who was recently defeated for re-sleo-tlon by Mm fituder after serving as chairman ot tho board for yean Other member of tho board are: Jake Schwarts and Thompson recently re-elected Get-Mtidaner Lee Oram LetUa Flowers i i Ban Malm Boya to Ihort Coursa Opeetal Oammmdnii SAN BABA April l-Prof Marshall vocational agriculture teacher In the high school win taka a class ot some 10 boya to tho Short Course at A Collage next week Them are threa teams and alternates allowed The boya so far declared and Intent to go Include Lackey Jack Harkey Jack Crockett Jack Oliver Mitchell Gordon Doran Cart McDaniel and Sherman Bain bolt Dr Eads Heads Uvalde Rotary Special ComoMdant UVALDE April 16-Dr Ray A ESda baa been named as president of tho Uvalde Rotary chib for the ensuing year and Harry Carper chosen aa vice president Newly-elected dlmctors of tha organisation are: Joe Carper Harry Carper Bat Eada Dick Evans Nidi Patts An-drew Smyth and Lewie Smyth Uvalde Moeie Team Wine UVALDE April The Uvalde school mude memory eon teat team iron a run-off from the Bablnal team hem and the right to Uclpate In the district meet two teams tied for first place tit the recent county school meet at Bablnal Haskell Deetor Re tame Home Dr Oueit of Haskell has returned home after spending several days hem with Mrs Ms-Kce who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis Mrs Mo-Set Is recovering Telephone Company Compiling i New Directory Anyono wishing a telephone Installed or change In name should Dial 4111 our contract department at once adv with the need for long-range reforms to tha exclusion of the Immediate emergency whereas the conservatives and tha bankers are preoccupied with the Immediate emergency to the exclusion of deeper reform there to confusion misunderstanding end destructive conflict 1 Xa a realistic view of the situation it to plain think that the time to too short and ths crisis to too urgent to make serious reforms in the economic system end then set It going again Xt must ba set going again long before tho desirable reforms can ba invented debated enacted end introduced or alia there will be a breakdown on such a scale aa no sincere progressive would ean to face Therefore It to incumbent upon tho progressives not to throw monkey wrenches into the eeonomlo machine as Governor Roosevelt did the other night when he so grossly misinterpreted tho pert which the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to playing in attempting to arrest a disorderly liquidation Chi tha other hand tha conservatives must expect suspicion and resentment to mount higher end higher unless they have the Intelligence to see that an era of anarchic acquisitiveness like that of tha last decade must inexorably Inaugurate an era of far-reaehing reforms The experiences up to end through the greet depression ot the nineties produced the issues which culminated in the reforms of Theodore Roosevelt end Woodrow Wilson In all human probability something of tha isms sort win happen again far it to an illusion to suppose that there will soon be another boom In which all thla suffering and anxiety will be quickly forgotten The Issues which era gradually crystallising out of the bewilderment end complaints of the people win endure a yY IWO WB a aw i wen Kf-a Man-aMs rite A You need no further proof that It's Sherry blossom time again at the nation's capital Here Mias Evelyn Dell poses prettily behind a natural frame of tha lovely blooms which draw thousands of vlslton to Washington every year Two yean ago the New Plymouth could not other two can In Its price dare You'D agree have been built If you had told me then that the Plymouth is a bigger car a better-looking car such Hg powerful beautiful automobile a longer car a finer car could bo mad to seU for as low $493 look at all three can In the lowest Drice-field have said "Impossible" and don't buy moy until you do ths sure But tha depression gty us an entirely new way to get the most for your money 'viewpoint Tomorrow and By WALTER LIFFMANNs Pataated VLOATINO POWII S5-HPINGINI mi WHEELINO HUNT-SECOND IASY SHirr TRANSMISSION IAMTY-STEEL BODIES klCID-X DOUBU-DXOP IXAMI HYDXAUUC BRAKES WITH CENTXITUU BkAKI Dku*ms jlMNCH WHEELBASE Erea Cm AUTOHATIC CIUTCH IS DUTLATI gATETY ELATE GLASS COUPE 150 4-DOOk SEDAN i I7J0 Glasses That Are-'Really Becoming Thooeh aeeumey of fit la tint la importance Harria Optica) Ca gives dns attentioa to atylel Oif 1 Tm hi UM Ohm balle it CwnatM if BslMHlIwI realired that if Plymouth wu going to tsks part Id the big parade ws must think faster work harder and build better than ever thought worked and built before Fortunately we had the stuff to work the experience the engineering brainV rin modern production methods It in easy job wo tackled but now dona 1 help but take pride in its accomplishment The New Plymouth honestly believe is ths finest low-priced automobile that ever rolled off any assembly line bar none Just compare It with dw Optical Co EDW A CAXOE OptomatrW Twohlg Dial MM1 The Hind of tho Nation Vo retd tbs Congressional Reo-1 aentlng ths tn tenet ef- ord with even moderate diligence I fectlveiy then ean hardly be any Is a not Inconsiderable punishment doubt that it is reflecting aecu-for on an ordinary day our legla-1 rately tha conflicting gentimentg of la ton bava no difficulty in pro-1 the peopM uclne un to two hundred columns I a a of print Now of count even the It fa of course clear that tha moat conscientious student of af-1 Important division opinion to fain to not required to read every not between Republicans and Dem-word of all this He can skip alocrate but between conservatives good many things Nevertheless and progressives it to rn leas ths Congressional Record Is worth clear think that what divides ths trouble for it is the only een-l the two groups is a difference of tral pises when the diverse opln- feeUng toward the established fl-L ions of tha American people an nanclal and industrial powers: the fry? brought together m-j- I conservative feeling fa that the fflf At no time within recent msm- eountry mut work with tndoa sa that a social ory has this been more true than I through the existing powers to set It to now For since the break- the economic machine running down of party discipline Congress again the pregnolva fueling to baa become an open forum and that- the existing powen have while any one to at liberty to I forfeited the right to tha eon- doubt whether Congress to repre- Hdenee of the eountry by falling te avert the breakdown of the I Decade and will the subject nutter of public life for a long time to come a- No conceivable good can come from progreasiva sabotage or sniping at the only Immediate meew urea in sight to stabilise credit and restore confidence On the other hand no good can come from conservative attitude of contempt and reals tenet in the face of the inchoate but profound sentiment that serious changes are needed In the control of affaire The les- Diamonds Watches and Jewelry At Trices Tee WO Be Delighted te Fay THE HOUSE YOU HAVE IVATCKED Growad Floor Bast Bldg Established Sill iSVlfv IOMODHS-Bwdwiwre6msB-Ann CmSw fjSj rdmrUdm tiT few iMterfmiiMHNMfmbre adf MuwQStaS dwvSndre fS) yfamtgte Ssdat baNxi adref San) tn CcmvrMMf SJm STfj THUFT MODELS- MMfmeAMfdMfMEAA Itrereream fr ddimnd pHm Cmmmmt CNiSrSyCNwfcr WwJinrere mmhmrhg mg tut 4 Km IVrerfette OmpcfmHiHMmihHtmtiUiwindf tin ts ttymork TVf ftirf nrin Iff rVrxtfuh ntrfimtl 4 -y sy mtimm nomia tn1 discredited this nation eould It was to this progreselve feeling that Oovemcr Roosevelt wu an-1 cour nW pealing when he said the ether night that Hoover admlntotra Tmi MoTa Glmk Itan -can think lnterme only et BEAUMONT April 11 w)-ihe the top of tha social and economic back to tha farm movement lagaln-structure- end that it had for-Uig in popuKtKiM orflia reraem-iius for jeffereon county Just oom-ber infantry ot our economic ptotod indicates While the figure Hew Uiow that city schools wUl remain York Times" In asking him whetb- about stationary In enrollment or er he had ever seen "aa Infantry I record a alight drop the rural which did not need I tricts have registered considerable refleett the eonsemtlve feeling I increase some of them as much ss The essential difference to ever the si 1-1 per cent In Jefferson county question of confidence la the existing commanders SAVE MONEY it -J? I ll 495 PLYmOUTH Al LOW AS 1 D1SGS es Mcioav i-v a IMMEDIATE DEIIVERY-SOID BY Dl SOTO -DODGE AND1' CHRYSIER DEALERS Hava Tear Glerere Fitted By DR FRED CAKER Telephone 6101-S For Appointment For $L40 've 8:30 (lUlioa-to-RUtlaa Rata far a Minutes) ASK US ABOUT- TEMPERED RUBBER KvA Moving? a a DAILY TRUCK SERVICE Palleai- Midland Labback Rig A Mlene Wret Toxaa Transportation Ca Dial S5XI Ban Angels Robert Massle Co Moperior Ambnlanea Barvfael FUNERAL DIRECTORS aad EMBALMER8 Dial 4444 Day or Night Xn proposing measures to meet I tha Immediate amergenclea of tha erlaia tha Initiative has lain with the conservatives it to they who I have brought forward tha Recon-latruction Financa Oorporatlon it to they who worked out tha Otoia-I BtetgaU bill it to they who have insisted that a balanced budget In tha government was the bails for an expansion of credit tat private Industry Tbs have had no agreed program to deal with tha Immediate an I gency They have had a program to relievo suffering though here they have been divided thus Governor Roosevelt has described tha proposals to product an Inflation by great bend knuea devoted to public works as an example of "tha habit of tha unthinking to turn la tlmaa Ilka there te the U- luslons of eeonomlo magic' The attention of tha Ives to not centered upon the I emergency but upon reforms signed to correct tha cauaea which hava produced It Thua they art I either skeptical or hostile as to measures to arrest tha deflation ot values and to atabUlre credit They are greatly concerned with aieaa-whlch would la tha future mt tha trended flnanoa of I tha boom and tha host of evils which hava resulted from over-expansion from overcapitalisation and from tha fantastically com-I plicated concentration of through financial- mantpulatioa Thua far the conservatives have shown no adequate response which avowed that they toe appreciated I tha need of reforms Partly ba- forget your telephone If you plan to move let us knew whn and oibtn si soon si you ean preferably ten days in advance If you'll give ua sufficient notice' we'U try to have your telephone connected on or before thedayjrou move Hera are soma of tha people probably want to caQi Funeral Parlor 'Ambalance and Fuimotor Service FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Aerietaat Dny or Night Dial 3331 Ear MNtw rf tfefcs Rwfcs tmm Off Just tell Long Distance MI'm oiling Kansas City Htrrison 9 Or if jrou know the number say "Give me Kansu City talk to anyone at Mr Henry Wilson's residence 1500 South the wi to place a itadon-toitation call yy' 1 Usually you will be connected while you hold the line in a few moments you'll be talking to friends or business acquaintances in Kansas City Even in the daytime station -to -station calls (on which you will speak to anyone who aniwers at the number called) are cheapest And reduced about 35 per cent between 7 and 8:30 about 50 per cent between tjo rd 4:33 a Somt txumplttt Directory mmiea af 4kol Inaaln 8 or mala because their Innate THIS IS THE TIRE SCORING THE GREATEST GAINS among car owners and car manufacturers alike! THE BIG SWING IS TO TIRES! the Jrvggut I 1 HARRIS HARRIS SEDBERRY sure rniini Sak pill Apg 1 01 A Harris I Harris Bedberry i ft tie flumber lrotn For to Specialized Mobiloil Lubrication 'Tour Car Thoroughly Washed Kerr Gayer Lloyl tnt Gayer Atlerarya at Law First Naltettal Bank Bldg Fcrbapi need an extension telephone fat bedroom or kitchen an individual lino or ether improvement in the telephone sere vice you have been using It'i good Idea to plan lueh changes in ad vance bs glad to hclpyoujuitcallthsbuiineiiuffice! Prove It for yourself i Notice the number of cars around town on Tires Notice bow many of finest cars come equipped with Tires You can't overlook these facts and 'yon can't overlook the extra mileage extra safety and extra beauty in these tires Nor can you ignore tho real savings at our present prices Join the Big Swing San Angelo Chicago $200 Angelo L01 Angeles $223 San (Angelo' Memphis Tenn $140 San Angelo York City $350 A- i oo oo I of conservatism they hava failed to convey to tho country any adequate I shim that they realise that a far-reaching construction has become necessary Thus there is no meeting of I minds There to only an exchange ltd epithata and glowering re-aentment Tha progressives with-I out an immediate program an deadlocked with tha conservatives who hava no far-reaching pro-I gram The position may ba Illustrated by tha controrerey over tha Olsre bill to amend tha banking lawn This bill in certain ot its central provisions to a draslio attempt to prevent ths kind ot credit Inflation which preceded the crash The bill aa drafted would if enacted today accentual the deflation which la already axeesatra Tha conservatives have quite prop-lariy opposed it But in opposing it they have failed to make clear what they must ad know that a great reform of the banking eye-I tem comparable wuh that which resulted In the formation of the Federal Reserve system itself has become Imperative For It to in-I conceivable that tha country win not seek and apply remedies for the demonstrated weaknessea and evils of tha existing banking structure -Rut because Sens tor Olsss land his followers an preoccupied (Sution-tr-jtsticn nit after 8:30 m) SMITH AND NEILL AHornryg at Lew" jRabt NeW Bsqrall 0 Smith MS Western Kerens Ufa Bldg one ffismHosr i 19 to 25 East ConeKo Avenue Mi Step IVith San Angelo progress9 A WRIGHT ATTORNEY AT LA IT Weeiera Beaerva Ufa Bldg DUL M63 Dial 4211.

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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.